The RUBI DC-250 1200 electric cutting table is an electric cutting machine with a moving head, designed for general cutting of ceramic tiles, for cutting type BIII tiles and glazed stoneware. It is also equipped with a 1.5 HP direct transmission motor assembly and thermal protector.
- DC-250 1200 with adjustable ruler (0 to 60º) with side stop
- Extruded aluminum tables, removable to facilitate cleaning of the machine
- Foldable legs with built-in wheels for more comfortable transportation
- Equipped with ZERO DUST system. Tested and certified by the TNO.
- DC-250 1200, chassis with anti-corrosion treatment.
- Vertical adjustment of the head allowing the cutting height to be adjusted.
- For Wall Ceramics, Glazed Stoneware, Porcelain Stoneware and other materials
- 1.1 kW (1.5 HP) single-phase direct drive motor with thermal protector
- Disc cooling by water pump with flow regulator
- High structural rigidity chassis
- Mobile head on bearings and foldable at 45º for miter cuts
- Includes Diamond disc model CEV-SUPERPRO Ø250 mm
- The sliding motor assembly offers maximum precision and cutting quality
- A large work area (100 x 48.5 cm) ideal for large format ceramic tiles
- Continuous band disc
- Machine served without cable